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Writer's pictureAmy Mantel

Understanding Anxiety

It's normal to feel anxious from time to time. It's actually healthy. Anxiety is what tells us to stop and take a minute. Life is stressful. With obligations and responsibilities we quickly forget to focus on our own emotional needs. Anxiety is actually like this built in mechanism in your brain that says it's time to stop and hit the reset button so your system can basically update. If the stresses in your life become too much for you to handle, your brain starts hitting the reset button more and more, forcing you to shut down, reboot, and restart, over and over again.

Let's look at a computer. When we first get it, it comes with everything we need to do everything it's capable of. Then we download software, apps, photos, and more. We surf the web, adding fragments of "cookies" behind on the hard drives. Computers are very sensitive but reliable devices. If you install an antivirus, clean up your hard drive, stay updated on your software, and preform routine maintenance, a computer would actually be able to last a lifetime doing everything you bought it to do. It's our lack of care and increased demands that make our electronic devices quickly obsolete. The more demand we put on our computer, the slower it begins to run. It starts to freeze up at times. Maybe some things download and others don't. We start to have to shut it down more and start over. This is our brain with life.

The more stress and worry we allow to overload our brain, the more we need to shut down and reboot. Anxiety that comes and goes in a healthy nature does this because the person handles it naturally. If doing this becomes a challenge, and you are now facing an anxiety disorder, the anxiety can't simply be ignored or handled naturally anymore.

Facing anxiety cannot be about simply "making the anxiety go away." Anxiety is a symptom of your brains response to a situation. You have to deal with what is creating the anxiety, otherwise, no matter what you do, you will simply be putting a Band-Aid on a broken bone. Living with anxiety is about fighting your brains oversensitive need to flee at the sign of stress. To do this you need to face what's causing the anxiety and learn ways to cope with the stress in your life. Anxiety can interfere with every aspect of your life, increasing your struggles in all the challenges you face. Preventing anxiety from taking over your world depends on you learning what's going on inside of you and figuring out your own unique way to cope with a world you can't control.

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