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Writer's pictureAmy Mantel

My "Theory" on the "History of Humans"

As we travel down our separate paths, we all face the same eternal conflict along the way. Why am I here? The answer to this question becomes the focal point of our entire life. The problem is, the moment we begin asking ourselves this question, we begin looking for where we "fit" in the world. Since the dawn of time, no matter what belief you hold, in some form, the human has ALWAYS been trying to "fit" in the world. And, since the dawn of time, no matter what belief you hold, in some form, the human keeps getting it wrong.

The earth has been here for 4 1/2 billion years. Although scientists, evolutionists, spiritualists, etc., all argue over when and how the "Human" began, they all agree on one common reality we need to consider today, "Humans" who think, want, dream and "live life" only began no more than 130,000 years ago. Evolution says the human with complex thinking only happened when our species left the hottest climates on earth, theoretically allowing our brain this new ability to grow. Let's actually think about this. For 4 billion years, this earth was a "hot box" for reptiles and species we will never even know of. Sure they evolved over time, but for 4 billion years, nothing like "Us" ever existed. Again, arguments leading up to this disaster are many, but one thing is true, 2.4 million years ago, an ice age DID happen, wiping out a majority of the living species on earth. Species did survive and grow, but again, "Humans" didn't happen, if you actually think about it, until "just now." We are, actually, a brand new species on this planet. We develop rapidly, go through significant body changes and our brains literally change to meet our individual needs while continuing to camouflage us as one species, simply because we can mate. So why are we here?

Just imagine the world 2.4 million years ago, before the ice age. Today's human could not exist. Lets think about why that is. Because somewhere along the way, for whatever reason you believe, our species realized we would need "more than this" to survive, and began evolving into a more complex being. Religion tells us it's because of spiritual truth in knowledge. Evolution tells us we gained this knowledge as a species for our survival. Either way, the knowledge we gained is the same. "Humans" as we live, think, and breathe, were not born naturally at the beginning of this world.

Global warming, saving the polar ice caps, and "going green" are all important aspects in our day to day lives. We fight for the cause, caution about our carbon footprints, and argue about what we need to do differently to "save our planet." Now let's actually think about this. People have lived and evolved over the last 130,000 years, because of a "damaged" earth. The way people have evolved and survived since we began has only been by maintaining that damage to the earth, learning how to monitor the elements, and manipulating our environments to ensure our survival. Why do we have to do that? Animals don't. We're the only creatures on earth without built in mechanisms that make us "one" with nature, born basically knowing everything they are meant to do in life.

What if the truth is, that we were never supposed to "fit" in this world. If you think about it, either way, we're not even supposed to be here. Religion tells us we are here for our souls to learn and grow and find our true selves, before returning home. Evolution should show us, ultimately, our entire species was actually a consequence of a catastrophic event. Either way, our survival depends on the same thing. We are a species, reliant on each other's separate abilities working together, against our environment, and have been since the dawn of our kind.

You are not meant to "fit" in this world; you never were. People are not "of this earth" and either by God or some meteor crashing into it, one answer remains the same. We are here for and because of each other. We were not born to be alone, and we are not meant to fit in. We are here, by any belief you have, to find our strengths that allow "human life" to thrive.

Relationships, and people's complex differences are the human species greatest weakness. The following blog will discuss my theory on the "History of Relationships."

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